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Our Products
Nephrology Medicine
Cmvee 450 mg tablets
Emval 450 mg tablets
Pth Cinacalcet 30 Mg Tablets
Polypex Tablets
Cudo Forte Capsules
Ketosteril Tablets
Nexiflora Forte Capsules
Presential Forte capsules
Pre And Probiotic Capsules
Nefromega Forte Capsules
Immunosuppressive Drugs
Tacstead 2 mg capsules
Mofecon Oral Suspension
Cyclophil me Oral Solution
Advagraf 0.5 Mg Capsules
Arpimune Oral Solution
Panimun bioral Solution
Bionesp 40mg injection
Mycept Suspension
Raparen 1 mg Tablets
Advagraf 1 mg Capsules
Siromus 1 mg tablets
Mofetyl s 360 mg Tablets
Mycofit 500 Mg Tablets
Biomyf S 360 Mg Tablets
Mofetyl 500 Mg Tablets
Renodapt 250 Mg Capsules
Tacstead 1 mg capsules
Cyclosporine CapsuleS
Pangraf 1 mg capsules
Mycomune 500 Mg Tablets
Darbecure 40 mg injection
Mycophenolate Mofetil Tablets
Tacrolimus Capsules
Sirolimus Tablets
Siropan 1mg Tablets
Sirova tablets
Everolimus 0.5 Mg Tablets
Everomus 0.25 Mg Tablets
Everotas 0.5 mg tablets
Everomus 0.5 mg Tablets
Cyclograf Me Solution
Rapacan 1 Mg Tab
Panimun bioral 50 mg capsules
Mycept 500 mg Tablets
Panimun Bioral 100 Mg Capsules
Healgraft S 360 mg Tablets
Mycoral M 500 Mg Tablets
Mofecon-S 360Mg Tablets
Myphen-S 360 mg Tablets
Mycotero 500 mg Tablets
Prograf 1 mg Capsules
Tacromus 1 mg Capsules
Mmf 500 Mg Tablets
Mycept S 180 Mg Tablets
Mycept S 360 Mg Tablets
Mofecon 500 Mg Tablets
My 360 MG Tablets
Ceptimmun-S 360 Mg Tablets
Renodapt 500 Mg Tablets
Renodapt S 360 Mg Tablets
Immutil 500 Mg Tablets
Mofilet S 360 Mg Tablets
Biomyf 500mg Tablets
Arpimune me 50 mg Capsules
Tacromus 2 Mg Capsules
Mmf 360 Mg Tablets
Grafotas 100 mg Capsules
Cellcept 500 Mg Tablets
Tacsant 1 mg Capsules
Immutil S 360 Mg Tablets
Mycofit S 360 Tablets
Mofilet 500 Mg Tablets
Odventa 1 mg Capsules
Mycoral 360 Mg Tablets
Evercon 0.5 mg tablets
Certican 0.5 mg tablets
Mystead 500 Mg Tablets
Advacan 0.5 mg tablets
Azoran 50 mg tablets
Mycomune S 360 Mg Tablets
Moficept-S 360 Mg Tablets
Moficept 500 Mg Tablets
Mofilet S 180 Mg Tablets
Mycept 250mg Capsules
Myphen S 360 Mg Tablets
Renodapt S 180 Mg Tablets
Immutil S 180 Mg Tablets
Tacrocord 0.5 mg Capsules
Tacromus 0.5 mg Capsule
Prograf 0.5 mg Capsules
Tacstead 0.5 mg Capsules
Tacroren 0.5 Mg Capsules
Pangraf 0.5mg Capsules
Takfa 0.5 MG Capsules
Mycophenolate Mofetil Oral Suspension
Tacrograf 1 mg Capsules
Vingraf 2 Mg Capsules
Tacrocord 1 Mg Capsules
Tacrograf 2 mg Capsules
Imunotac 1 mg Capsules
Tacloran 1 mg capsules
Biomus 2 Mg capsules
Azoran Azathioprine 50mg Tablet
Tacrograf 0.5 Mg Capsules
Imunotac 0.5 Mg Capsules
Mycofit S 180 Mg Tablets
Amigraf 0.5 mg Capsules
Tacroren 1 mg Capsules
Amigraf 1 mg Capsules
Biomus 1 mg Capsules
Tacloran 1 mg Capsules
Mycophenolic Acid Tablets
Tacrol 1 mg Capsules
Pangraf 2 mg capsules
Fujigraf 1 Mg Capsules
Vingraf 1 mg Capsules
Takfa 1 Mg Capsules
Takfa 2 mg Capsules
Everolimus 0.5 Mg Tablet
Alpha Ketoanalogue Tablet
Arpimune Me 100 Mg Capsules
Grafotas 50 Mg Capsules
Mycophenolate Mofetil Oral Suspensions
Pharmaceutical Tablets
Rybelsus 3 Mg Tablets
Renolog tablets
Sidlo 8 Mg Tablets
Polypex plus tablets
Rybelsus 7 Mg Tablets
Ketoalfa Alpha Ketoanalogue Tablets
Votriet 200 mg tables
Pregabalin 300 Mg Capsules
Quercetin Bromelain Resveratrol And Vitamin D3 Tablets
Strocit Plus 500 Mg Tablets
Renoheal Sachet
Sevbind 400 Mg Tablets
Virolfi 450 Mg Tablets
Semaglutide Tablets
Iverheal 12 Mg Tablets
Iverheal 6 Mg Tablets
Rybelsus 14 Mg Tablets
Rybelsus Semaglutide 7 mg Tablet
Rybelsus Semaglutide 14 mg Tablet
Pirfenidone Tablets
Lenvatol Lenvatinib 10 mg Tablets
Antifungal Injection, Tablet & Syrup
Ambilon 50 Mg Injection
Posatral 300 mg Injection
Sepsivac Injection
Poscosafe 100 mg Tablets
Noxafil Oral Suspension
Noxafil 100 Mg Tablets
Poshope Dr 100 Mg Tablets
Posanat 100 Mg Tablets
Picasa gr 100 mg tablet
Posaforce 100 Mg Tablets
Amphonex liposomal amphotericin b injection 50mg Injection
Posacad gr 100 mg tablets
Posoxil Suspension 105 ml
Posoxil Gr 100 Mg Tablets
Picasa 40 mg Posaconazole Oral Suspension
Posatral 100 mg Tablets
Candipoz-GR 100 Tablets
Pocaaz O Suspension 105 ml
Amphotericin b Injection
Cresemba 100 mg capsules
Candipoz Gr 300 mg
Posacad Suspension 105 ml
Posaconazole Tablets
Antifungal Drugs Injection Tablet Syrup
Osteoporosis Medications
Terifrac 750 Mcg Injection
Gemtide Teriparatide 600 Mcg Injection
Osteri 600 Mg Injection
Teriparatide Injection
Xgeva 120 Mg Denosumab Injection
Bonmax Pth 750 Mcg Pre Filled with Pen Divice
Bonmax Pth 750 Mg Injection
Exhep Pen 300 Mg 3 Ml Enoxaparin Injection
NuPth Teriparatide 750 Mcg Injection
Tpt 20 600 Mcg Injection
Rockbon Pth 750mcg Injection
Bonista Pf 600 Mcg Injection
Zotide One 600 Mcg Injection
Exhep Pen 300 Mg 3 ml Enoxaparin Injection
Sodium Hyaluronate Injection
Pharmaceutical Capsules
Synprotik Forte Capsules
Cudohenz Capsules
Synprotik Capsules
Renadyl Capsules
Nexiflora 45 mg Capsules
Oxalo forte
Nervigesic 300 Mg Tablets
Anaemia Medicine
Rpo 4000 i u Injection
Transfer Injection 10000
epofit 10000 mg injection
Erypeg 75 Injection
Mircera 50 Mcg Injection
Anfoe 6000 iu Injection
Wepox 5000 IU Injection
Neorecormon 5000 mg injection
Darbitop 40 mg Injection
RPO 10000 IU Injection
Defriject 500 mg tablets
Repomia 10000 Pfs Injection
Erypro Safe 10000 Injections
Ferinject 500 mg injection
Darb-Esa 40 Mg Injection
Actorise 40 Mcg Injection
Mircera Injection 50 Mcg
Jovubin 40 mcg injection
Mircera Injections 100 Mcg
Darbotin 40 mg injection
Dargen 40 mcg injection
Epofit 4000 mg injection
Cresp 60mcg injection
Cresp 100 mcg Injection
Repomia 10000 iu Injection
Erypro safe 40000 iu injection
Wepox 4000 mg injection
Zyrop 4000mg injection
Darbotin 60 mcg injection
Wepox 30000
Trombopag 50 mg tablets
Ferium 1k Injection
Vintor 10000 Injection
Orofer fcm 1k injection
Encicarb 500 Mg Injection
Orofer FCM 500 mg Injection
Ferium 500 Mg Injection
Anfoe 4000 i u injection
Cresp 25 mcg Injection
Darbitop 60 mcg Injection
Rebopag 50 Mg Tablets
Ferric Carboxymaltose Injection
Erypeg 50 mcg Injection
Anfoe 10000 Iu Injection
Erypeg 75 Injections
Wepox 10000 Iu Injection
Mircera 75 Mcg Injection
Darbepoetin Alfa Injection 40 mg
Renocel 10000 Iu Injection
Renocrit 10000 Iu Injection
Eltromag 25 Mg Tablets
Darbecon 40 Mg Injection
cresp 40 mcg injection
Larinject 500 mg injection
Vintor 6000 Pfs Injection
Erypro Safe 10000 Iu Injection
Oxemia 50 mg Tablets
Darbaren 40 mcg Injection
Atazor -R
Renemia 10000 Injection
ESA 5000 IU Injection
Encicarb 1k Injection
Vintor 4000 iu Injection
Renocrit 4000 IU Injection
Mircera 75mg Injection
Darbepoetin Alfa Injection
Mircera 100 Mcg Injection
Erykine 40000 IU Injection
Renocel 4000 Iu Injection
Fcmalt Ferric Carboxymaltose 500 Mg Injection
Transfer 5000 mg injection
Eltrombopag Tablet
Relipoietin 4000 Iu Injection
Relipoietin 10000 Iu Injection
Darbepoetin Alfa 60 Mcg Injection
Rebopeg Eltrombopeg 25 mg Tablet
Rebopeg Eltrombopeg 50 mg Tablet
Renal Nutrition
Magmaxx Tablets
Aplazar Tablets
Nexiron 100 mg Injection
Qron 100 mg Inection
Fosbait 500 mg Tablet
Fcfung 500 mg Tablets
Vaptolva 15 Mg Tablets
Nutappex And Tablets
Amigo Plus Injection
Khold Sachets
Renomega Forte Capsules
K Bind Powder
Lamino Nephro Powder
Lamino Nephro 7% Injection
Eido Injection
Maxon Qbr Tablets
Septamin Forte Injection
Fidotox Powder
Nefvit Plus Tablets
Septiva Capsules
Critizyme Tablets
Nefita Tablets
Lirophos Plus Tablets
Nefromega Capsules
Serocit 46.7% Injection
Citraphos Tablets
Phoscut Fer Tablets
K-bind sachet
Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Drugs
Lonopin Pen 300 Mg Injection
Fondazest 7.5 mg injection
Clexane 40 mg - 0.4 ml Enoxaparin Injection
Clexane 80 mg Injection
Lonopin 40 Mg Injection
Lomocare 40 mg injection
Gufinox 40 Mg Injection
Lomocare 300 Mg Injection
Cutenox 40 Mg Injection
Lmwx 80 Mg Injection
Exhep 40 Mg Injection
Parihep 60 mg Injection
Exhep 60 Mg Injection
Evaparin 40 mg Injection
Lmwx 40 Mg Injection
Lomoh 60 Mg Injection
Evaparin 300 mg-3 ml Enoxaparin Injection
Lonopin 60 Mg Injection
Lmwx 60 Mg Injection
Enclex 40 Mg Injection
Lomoh 40 Injection
Enclex 60 Mg Inection
Womenox 40 Mg
Lmwx MDC 300 Mg Injection
Parihep 40 Mg Injection
Zeroklot 40 Mg Injection
Lowcap 40 Mg Injection
Clexane Enoxaparin 60 Mg Injection
Dynalix 40 Mg Injection
Cutenox G 300 Mg Injection
Corparin 40 Mg Injection
Cutenox G 40 Mg Injection
Antiviral Drugs
Myehp ALL Tablets
Entavir 1.0 Mg Tablets
Sovihep V Tablets
Velpanat Tablets
Entavir 0.5 Mg Tablets
Hepcvir 400 Mg Tablets
Xapavir Lt Tablets
Velasof Tablets
Cmvir 450 Mg tablet
Valcheck 450 mg tablets
Resof total Tablets
Valgan 450 Mg Tablets
Valniche 450 mg tablets
Cytomega 450 mg Tablets
Valcip 450 mg tablets
Valacon 450 mg tablets
Valgacel 450 mg tablets
Ledifos Tablets Antiviral Drugs
Sofosbuvir Velpatasvir Tablet
Entaliv 0.5 mg Tablets
Entehep 0.5 Mg Tablets
Movfor 200 Mg Capsules
Sofosbuvir Velpatasvir Tablets
Sofosbuvir Tablets
Sofosbuvir Tablet
Myhep All Tablets
Allopathic Injection
Magnex Forte 1.5 mg Injection
Meronem 1 gm Injection
Aztreo 1 gm Injection
Zyrop 10000 iu vail
Renal Medicine
Phoscut 400 mg Tablets
Lobun Forte Capsules
Renoque Capsule
Phoscut 800 Mg Tablets
Ketopen Tablets
Sevlaren 400 mg tablets
Sevcar 800 mg Tablets
Septasteril Tablets
Arketo DS Tablets
Celizaren Jyunka Tablets
Sobisis Forte 1000 mg Tablets
Alphalog Tablets
Ketorite Tablet
Sevelabind 400 mg Tablets
Dynulta Tablets
Polypex Tablet
Renoheal Tablets
Polytide Tablets
Xydor Capsules
Presential Tablets
Bonami Plus Tablets
Rensobia Ds Tablets
Renavotox Capsules
Trientine Hydrochloride Capsule USP
Ubkindle Capsules
Zyfomycin 3 g Sachets
Critical Care Medicine
Jusvap 15 Mg Tablets
Merrobe 1 g Injection
Aztinam Aztreonam 1 g Injection
Vorizol 200 Mg Tablets
azotum 1 g Injection
Tigebax Tigecycline 50 Mg Injection
Tiziren 50 Mg Injection
Ertacos 1 Gm Injection
Tazact piperacillin tazobactam 4.5 Mg injection
Ticocin Teicoplanin 400 mg injection
Vanking vancomycin 1000 Mg injection
Poly B polymyxin 500000 Injection
Eczas 1 Gm Injection
Imiren 500 Mg Injection
Farostead 200 Mg Tablets
INEM 1 Gm Injection
Zienam 500mg injection
Farolyst 200 Mg Tablets
Inem 500 Mg Injection
Vaptan 15 Mg Tablets
Midorexxa 2.5 Mg Tablets
Telispa 1 Mg Injection
Colymonas 4.5 mg injection
Canidula Anidulafungin 100 Mg Injection
Casfung Caspofungin 50 Mg Injection
Imicrit 1 Gm Injection
Teicogress 400 Mg Injection
Voritek 200 mg tablets
Imecila 500 Mg Injection
Tiganex 50mg Injection
DulaEdge 100 Mg Injection
Endfung 100 Mg Injection
Immunocin Alpha 1.6 Injection
Micalan 50 Mg Injection
Dapmicin 350 mg Injection
Gonal F 75iu Injection
Colymonas 2 miu Injection
Colymonas 3 miu injection
Tygaray 50 Mg Injection
Xylistin 1 Miu Injection
Forstal 1 Gm Injection
Crifos 4 gm Injection
Thymogam 250 Mg Injection
Otski Injection
Ebunat Injection
Mygfr Tablets
Foephos Powder 8 G
Monurol Granules
Fosirol 3 g Sachets
Ceaa Sachets
Aplevant 1.5 Mg Pre-Filled Pen 2 S
Glutahenz Injection
Ironemic Tablets
Elores 1.5mg Injection
Dulaglutide Solution For Injection
Fosfomycin Trometamol Powder
Ceftazidime Avibactam Injection
Minocycline Injection
Voriconazole 200 Mg Tablets
Vorier 200 Mg Tablets
Colistimethate Sodium Injection
Cefoperazone Sulbactam Injection
Ulinastatin Injection
Zisavel Isavuconazole 100Mg Capsules
Isuvaz Isavuconazole 100 Mg Capsules
Doxycycline Injection
Ceftriaxone Injection
Renal Drugs
Probigress Capsules
Renoheed Tablets
Kestead Xt Tablets
Awayatox Capsules
Selbo 400 Mg Tablets
Renostead Tablets
Sevcar 400 Mg Tablet
Renecar 800 Mg Tablets
Renolife Tablets
Septasteril Sachet 2.7g
Sodanet Ds 1000 Mg Tablets
Mestrolyst 40 Mg Tablets
Nodosis Tablets
Cinacet 30 Mg Tablets
Soihenz Tablets
Fosfona 3 g Sachets
Addaphos Granules
Renal Nutrition Drugs
Renequad Plus Capsules
Cudce Forte Capsule
Toxiphage Forte Capsules
Kobacar Tablets
Kfree Sachet
Megahenz 40 Mg Tablets
Rene Plus Fe Tablets
Repvita Fe Tablets
Calyst Z Tablets
Nutracer Tablets
Anti Cancer Injection
Bryxtra 100mg Injection
Carfilnat 60 mg Injection
Daxotel 120 mg Injection
Colstim 300 mcg Injection
Grastim 300 mcg injection
Vivitra 150 Mg Injection
Mabtas Ra 500 Mg Injection
Romy 250 mg injection
Reditux Rituximab 500 Mg Injection
Vivitra Trastuzumab 440 mg injection
Pamorelin La 11.25 Injection
Azatend-O 200 mg Tablets
Pegex 6 mcg Injection
Azatend 100mg Injection
Azacytin 100 mg Injection
Cresp 200mcg Injection
Bortecad Bortezomib 2 mg Injection
Bryxta 400mg Bevacizumab Injection
Cizumab Bevacizumab 400mg Injection
Romiset 250 mg injection
Apracap 150 mg Injection
Gemita Gemcitabine Injection 1400 Mg
Zoladex La 10.8 Mg Injection
Lupride depot Injection
Eleftha 440mg Injection
Cresp 500 mcg Injection
Trumab 440 mg Injection
Bevatas 400 mg Bevacizumab Injection
Hertraz 440 mg injection
Abevmy Bevacizumab 400 Mg Injection
Bevicra 400 mg Injection
Emtux 500 mg Injection
Luprodex 22.5mg Injection
Myezom 2 mg Injection
Bevacirel 400 Mg Bevacizumab Injection
Cytax 260 mg Injection
Azom 1 gm Injection
Azashine 100 mg Injection
Myaza 100 mg Injection
Dalacin C 600 mg Injection
Romiset 500 mg Injection
Bortrac 2 mg Bortezomib Injection
Grafeel 300 mg Injection
Borviz 2 mg Injection
Fulzos 250 mg Injection
Lupride Depot 11.25 mg Injection
120 Mg Denosurel Injection
Anti Cancer Injection
Zoledronic Acid Injection
Human Normal Immunoglobulin Injection
Globucel 5% 100 ml injection
Heparel 100 iu injection
Immunorel 5g 100 ml injection
Globucel Human Normal Immunoglobulin 10% 100 ml Injection
Gammaren 5% 100 ml injection
Ivig Emglobulin 5 Injection Emcure
Immuglo 5 gm Injection
Immunorel 10% gm 100 ml
Ivnex 5 gm Injection
Anti Cancer Medicine
Dasanat Dasatinib 50 Mg Tablets
Evermil 10 Mg Tablets
Veenat Imatinib 400 mg Tablets
Aprecap 125 mg Capsules
Posid 50 Mg Capsule
Abirapro 250 mg tablets
Imat 400 mg Tablets
Erlocip Erlotinib 150 mg Tablets
Entihep 0.5 Mg Tablets
Xtane 25 mg Tablets
Temcad 100 mg Capsules
Imatib 400mg Tablets
Ibrutinib Capsule
Enzalutamide Tablets
Xbira 250 mg Tablets
Bdron Abiraterone 250 Mg Tablets
Nitib 140 mg Capsules
Revolade 50 mg Tablets
Pegstim 6 mcg Injection
Erlocip 100 mg Tablets
Evermil 5 mg Tablets
Glenza 40 mg Capsules
Obnyx Capsule 40 mg
Regonat 40 Mg Tablets
Erlonat 150 mg Erlotinib Tablets
Thaloda100 Mg Capsules
Cacit 500 mg tablets
Imatinib Tablets
Anti Cancer Medicine
Afanat Afatinib 40 mg Tablets
Nintib Nintedanib 150 Mg Capsules
Nintib Nintedanib 100 Mg Capsules
Capecitabine Tablets
Danozec Danazol 200 Mg Capsules
Human Albumin Injection
Albucel 20% 100 ml
Alburel 20% 100 ml
Albucel ls 100 ml
Injectable Products
Victoza Liraglutide Pen Injection
Anti HIV Drugs
Virataz R Tablets
Trustiva tablets Anti Hiv Drugs
Trioday Tablets
Telura Tablets
Daclahep 60 mg tablets
Daruvir 800 Mg Tablets
Spegra Tablet
Acriptega Tablets
Avonza Tablets
Taffic Tablet
Xapavir Tablets
Tenvir Af Tablets
Teravir Tablets
Tafero Em Tablets
Synthivan Tablets
Ritomune Tablets
Hepbest Tablets
Abec Tablet
Efavir 600 Mg Tablets
Duovir Tablets
Abec L Tablets
Daruvir 600 mg Tablets
Albavir Tablets
X vir 0.5 mg talets
Instgra 50 mg tablets Anti Hiv Drugs
Viropil Tablets Anti Hiv Drugs
Teevir Tablets
Viraday Tablets
Tenohep Af Tablets
Fostavir Le Tablets
Tafnat Tablets
Tenvir 300 mg tablets
Duovir N Tablets
Tavin Em Tablets
Vonaday tablets
Ricovir 300 Mg Tablets
Soranib 200 mg tablets
Forstavir 3 Tablets
Tenofovir TabletS
Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablet
Dolutegravir Tablet
Hapibev Vaccine
Influvac Tetra Influenza Vaccine Injection
Vaxiflu4 0.5 Ml Vaccine
Vaxiflu 4 Injection
Rotavac Rotavirus Vaccines
Hav shield Vaccine
Havrix 720 Ped Vaccine
Cervarix Vaccine Injection
Fluquadri Vaccine
Tresivac Pfs
Zyvac Tcv pfs
Easy Six Vaccine
Tetraxim PFS
Haemophilus Influenza Type B Vaccines
Enteroshield Vaccine IP
Typbar Tcv Pfs Typhoid Vaccine
Nexipox Vaccine
Menveo Vaccine
0.5ml Menactra
Biovac B Vaccine
Biovac Hepatitis A Vaccine
Avaxim 80 U Pediatric
Rotasure Vaccine
Abhayrab Rabies Vaccine
Prevenar 13 pneumococcal vaccine
Nephrology Drugs
Cinapar 30 mg Tablets
Zyprotic Forte Capsules
Rapifer 500 mg Injection
Mimcina 30 mg Tablets
Kerendia 10 mg
Ketograce Tablets
Celera NU Tablet
Kindsave Tablets
Renosave Tablets
Auxipro Forte Capsules
Mega 10 Capsules
Anti Cancer Medicines
Neukine Filgrastim 300mcg Injection
Azadine 0 300 mg talets
Azatend-O 300 mg Tablets
Capibine 500 mg Tablets
Mstarin 25 mg Capsules
Canmab 440 mg Injection
Zoldonat 4 mg Injection
Azadine 100 mg injection
Voritek 200 mg injection
Peg grafeel 6mcg injection
Herduo Tablets
Pomalid 4 mg Capsules
Geftinat 250 mg tablet
Enzamide Tablet 40 mg
Sorafenat tablets
Azel Enzalutamide 40 mg Capsules
Capegard 500 mg tablets
lenvatol 4mg Capsules
Bdron Abiraterone 500 mg Tablets
Oxitan 100 mg Injection
Thalix 50 mg Capsules
Lenangio 10 mg Capsules
Femistra 1 mg Tablets
Temoside Temozolomide 100 mg Capsule
Geftinat 250 mg tablets
Capnat 500 mg Tablets
Thalix 100 mg Capsules
Capsy 500 Tablets
Fosup Kit Capsules
Capecite 500 mg Tablets
Geffy 250 mg Tablets
Altraz 1 mg tablets
Bosentas 125 mg Tablet
Pomide 4 mg Capsules
Temcad Temozolomide 250 mg Capsule
Relicitabine 500 Mg Tablets
Lenvat 4 mg Capsules
Unigef 250 mg tablets
Armotraz 1 mg Tablets
Abiraterone Acetate Tablets
Kemocarb 450 mg Injection
Voraze 200 mg Tablets
Geftib 250 mg Tablets
Temoside Temozolomide 250 mg Capsule
Lenangio 25 mg Capsules
Inflitza 25 Mg Tablets
Lenalidomide Capsule
Gastroenterology Drugs
Octride depot 30mg injection
Octreotide Injection
Ursocol Sr 450 Mg Tablets
Ursetor Sr 450 Mg
Ursocol 300 Mg Tablets
Udiliv 450 Mg Tablets
Udiliv 300 Mg Tablets
Hepkart 400 Mg Tablet
Ursetor 300 Mg Tablets
Remegerd D Capsules
Rifacus 400 Mg Tablets
Rifacus 550 Mg Tablets
Cirrosam 400 Mg Tablets
Heptral 400 Mg Tablets
Asacus 1 g Sachet
Rifagut 550mg Tablets
Rifaxigress 400 Mg Tablets
Rifaxigress 550 Mg Tablets
Bilypsa saroglitazar tablets
Anti Infective Medicine
Vanlid 500 Mg Injection
Valganciclovir Tablet
Renepenem 200 Mg Tablets
Valstead 450 Mg Tablets
Crinone 8% Vaginal Gel
Emrok O 500 Mg Tablets
Emrok Injection
Pruricure Lotion 100 Ml
Koza 91 Lotion
Meropenem Injection
Merocrit 1 gm Injection
Meroplan 1 gm Injection
Merotrol 1 g Injection
Zaxter Kit 1 g Injection
Ruaj 1 Gm Injection
Meroza 1 G Injection
Merowin 1 g Injection
Fresonem 1g Injection
Seronem 1 g Injection
Meropenem 1 g Injection
Normal Immunoglobulin
Intaglob 16.5% Injection
Bharglob 16.5% Injection
Hepabsv 100iu Injection
Anti Cancer Tablets
Imatib 400 Mg Tab
Armidex 1 mg Tablet
Gefticip 250 Mg Tablets
Hepcvir L Tablet
Rituximab Rituxan Injection
Enfiera 100mg Injection
Mabtas 500 mg injection
Rituxirel 500mg injection
Maball 500 Mg Injection
Anti Cancer Drugs
Mydekla Tablets
Religrast 300 Mcg Injection
Oncology Drug
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Olumiant Baricitinib 2 Mg Tablets
Exemptia 40 Mg Adalimumab Injection
Denosurel denosumab 120 mg Injection
Mabura Adalimumab 40 Mg Injection
Rozel Denosumab 60 mg Injection
Tofajak 5 Mg Tablets
Esentra Denosumab 60 Mg Injection
Tofacitinib Tablets
Olumiant 4 Mg Tablets Rheumatoid Arthritis
Plamumab Adalimumab 40mg Injection
Denoclast 60 Mg Injection
Olimab denosumab 60 mg injection
Denosumab Injection
Adalimumab Injection
Denoci Denosumab 120 Mg Injection
Denu Denosumab 60 Mg Injection
Odensomab 60 Mg Injection
Densurank 60 Mg Injection
Nuclasta 60 Mg Injection
Denbri 60 Mg Injection
Denub 60 Mg Injection
Debrumab 60 Mg Injection
Denmab 60 Mg Injection
Denoxa Denosumab 60 Mg Injection
Denosteorel 60 Mg Injection
Esentra 120 Mg Injection
Denosta 60 Mg Injection
Deninta 60 Mg Injection
Denuril Denosumab 60 Mg Injection
Ogain 60 Mg Injection
Prolia denosumab 60 Mg Injection
hyaluronic acid injection
Human Albumin
Albubet 20% 100 ML
Vitamin Medicine
K Blind Powder
Rolimus Tablets
Rolimus 10 Mg Tablets
Medicine Drop Shippers
Medicine Drop Shippers
Drop Shipping Services
Mail Order Pharmacy
Pain Killers Tablets
Tydol 100 Mg Tablets
Tydol 50 Mg Tablets
Fertility Enhancer
Progesterone gel 8.0
Hucog Hp 10000 Iu Injection
Hucog Hp 5000 Iu Injection
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Injections
Gonal F 450 Mg Injection
Cetrorelix Acetate 0.25 Mg Injection
Menotropin 150 Iu Injection
Gonal F 300 Mg Injection
Gonal F 900 Mg Injection
Urofollitropin 75 Iu Injection
Urofollitropin 150 Iu Injection
Dialysis Products
Fresenius F6 Hps Dialyzer
Skin Lightening Drugs
Glutathione 1200 Mg Injection
Glutathione TabletS
Maxiliv 600 mg Injection
Glutaup 600 Mg injection
Glutiprime 600 Mg Injection
Glutathione Vitamin C Injection
Glutathione 600 Mg Injection
Glutabliss 600 Mg Injection
Pharmaceutical Injection
Andulfa 100 Mg Injection
Tresiba Penfill
Fosfofic Injection
Zolasta 4 Mg Injection
Paxyb 500000 Injection
Klacid 500 Mg Injection
Ticofic Plus 400 mg Injection
Okeron 100 Mcg Injection
Zoldria 4 Mg Injection
Tigimax 50mg injection
T Planin 400 mg Injection
Guficol Plus 2 Miu Injection
Paracip Paracetamol Infusion
Fonyl 4 g Injection
Tigefic Plus 50mg Injection
Tazoren 4.5 g Injection
Targocid 400mg injection
Doxific Plus 100 mg Injection
Foctum 3g Injection
Gufisome 50 mg injection
Pegasta 6 Mg Injection
Vorier Voriconazole 200 Mg injection
Xylistin 4.5 miu injection
Falcigo 120 Mg Injection
Natclovir 500mg Injection
Mycamine 50mg Injection
Infimab 100 mg injection
Infimab Infliximab 100 Mg Injection
Ambisome 50mg Injection
Anti-D Immunoglobulin Injection
Intacept 50 Mg Injection
Rhoclone 300 Mcg Injection
Micona 50 Mg Injection
Micanfa 50 Mg Injection
Guficap Plus 50 Mg Injection
Mycamine 100mg Injection
Phosome 50mg Injection
Zavicefta 2.5Gm Injection
nufil 300 mcg injection
Merex 1000 Mg Injection
Luprodex Depot 11.25 Mg Injection
Tocira Tocilizumab Injection 400mg
Erliso Terlipressin Injection
Dorific 500 Mg Injection
Piptaz 4.5 mg injection
Micedge 50 Mg Injection
Gerta 1 gm Injection
Merofic Plus 1 Gm Injection
Polyfic Plus 500000 Injection
Polytuff 500000 Unit Injection
Hipoly B 500000 Injection
Zinforo 600 mg Injection
Guficap 50mg Injection
Micafung Plus 50 mg Injection
Xylistin Forte Plus 3 Miu Injection
Xylistin Forte 2 Miu Injection
Micafung plus Micafungin 100 mg Injection
Bortenat 2.5 mg injection
Bonista Cartridge Injection
Cytogem 1000mg injection
Polyfic Plus 750000 Injection
Vaitran 1.5 Mg Injection
Orofer S 200 Mg Injection
I NEM 1g Injection
Ime Cila 500mg Injection
Meromac 1gm Injection
Alzumab L 100 mg Injection
Tenepact 30 Mg Tablets
Elores 3 Gm Injection
Guficap 70mg Injection
Aggramed 5 Mg Infusion
Aggribloc 5 mg 100ml injection
Isoneph 500 mg injection
Ulinafic 100000 I.U Injection
Zoltero 4 Mg Injection
Imicrit 500 mg Injection
Casfung 70 Mg Injection
Intafer 500 Mg Injection
Isopoint 500 Mg Injection
Isofer 500 Mg Injection
Isoalfa 500 Mg Injection
I Nem 500 Mg Injection
Tidymin 7% Injection 250 Ml
Ryzodeg Penfill Injection
Eutropin 4 iu Injection
Human Growth Hormone Injection
Ranibizumab Injection
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Company Profile
Our Products
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Denosumab Injection
Nuclasta 60 Mg Injection
Denu Denosumab 60 Mg Injection
Rozel Denosumab 60 mg Injection
Esentra 120 Mg Injection
Olimab denosumab 60 mg injection
Tofajak 5 Mg Tablets
Olumiant 4 Mg Tablets Rheumatoid Arthritis
Deninta 60 Mg Injection
Denosteorel 60 Mg Injection
Denbri 60 Mg Injection
Olumiant Baricitinib 2 Mg Tablets
Exemptia 40 Mg Adalimumab Injection
Plamumab Adalimumab 40mg Injection
Denosurel denosumab 120 mg Injection
Denosta 60 Mg Injection
Odensomab 60 Mg Injection
Denoci Denosumab 120 Mg Injection
Densurank 60 Mg Injection
Esentra Denosumab 60 Mg Injection
Mabura Adalimumab 40 Mg Injection
Denub 60 Mg Injection
Denoxa Denosumab 60 Mg Injection
Denmab 60 Mg Injection
Ogain 60 Mg Injection
Prolia denosumab 60 Mg Injection
Debrumab 60 Mg Injection
Tofacitinib Tablets
Denoclast 60 Mg Injection
Adalimumab Injection
Denuril Denosumab 60 Mg Injection
hyaluronic acid injection
Human Albumin Injection
Albucel ls 100 ml
Alburel 20% 100 ml
Albucel 20% 100 ml
Renal Nutrition Drugs
Kobacar Tablets
Repvita Fe Tablets
Calyst Z Tablets
Kfree Sachet
Nutracer Tablets
Megahenz 40 Mg Tablets
Rene Plus Fe Tablets
Renequad Plus Capsules
Toxiphage Forte Capsules
Cudce Forte Capsule
Vitamin Medicine
K Blind Powder
Renal Drugs
Renolife Tablets
Fosfona 3 g Sachets
Sodanet Ds 1000 Mg Tablets
Kestead Xt Tablets
Septasteril Sachet 2.7g
Renostead Tablets
Cinacet 30 Mg Tablets
Probigress Capsules
Nodosis Tablets
Mestrolyst 40 Mg Tablets
Soihenz Tablets
Renoheed Tablets
Addaphos Granules
Awayatox Capsules
Selbo 400 Mg Tablets
Sevcar 400 Mg Tablet
Renecar 800 Mg Tablets
Biovac B Vaccine
Fluquadri Vaccine
Vaxiflu 4 Injection
Prevenar 13 pneumococcal vaccine
Tresivac Pfs
0.5ml Menactra
Cervarix Vaccine Injection
Biovac Hepatitis A Vaccine
Abhayrab Rabies Vaccine
Menveo Vaccine
Rotasure Vaccine
Hapibev Vaccine
Haemophilus Influenza Type B Vaccines
Typbar Tcv Pfs Typhoid Vaccine
Easy Six Vaccine
Hav shield Vaccine
Nexipox Vaccine
Vaxiflu4 0.5 Ml Vaccine
Rotavac Rotavirus Vaccines
Enteroshield Vaccine IP
Influvac Tetra Influenza Vaccine Injection
Zyvac Tcv pfs
Tetraxim PFS
Havrix 720 Ped Vaccine
Avaxim 80 U Pediatric
Pharmaceutical Injection
Micedge 50 Mg Injection
Dorific 500 Mg Injection
Guficol Plus 2 Miu Injection
Okeron 100 Mcg Injection
Natclovir 500mg Injection
Tocira Tocilizumab Injection 400mg
Casfung 70 Mg Injection
Klacid 500 Mg Injection
Polyfic Plus 500000 Injection
Tazoren 4.5 g Injection
Gerta 1 gm Injection
Cytogem 1000mg injection
Andulfa 100 Mg Injection
Aggribloc 5 mg 100ml injection
Ulinafic 100000 I.U Injection
Zinforo 600 mg Injection
Alzumab L 100 mg Injection
Ambisome 50mg Injection
Bortenat 2.5 mg injection
Ime Cila 500mg Injection
Zolasta 4 Mg Injection
T Planin 400 mg Injection
Mycamine 100mg Injection
Infimab 100 mg injection
Anti-D Immunoglobulin Injection
Tigimax 50mg injection
Xylistin 4.5 miu injection
Falcigo 120 Mg Injection
Infimab Infliximab 100 Mg Injection
Luprodex Depot 11.25 Mg Injection
Fonyl 4 g Injection
Intafer 500 Mg Injection
I Nem 500 Mg Injection
Phosome 50mg Injection
Micafung Plus 50 mg Injection
Xylistin Forte Plus 3 Miu Injection
Paracip Paracetamol Infusion
Aggramed 5 Mg Infusion
Guficap 70mg Injection
Targocid 400mg injection
Gufisome 50 mg injection
Imicrit 500 mg Injection
Ryzodeg Penfill Injection
Pegasta 6 Mg Injection
Tenepact 30 Mg Tablets
Guficap 50mg Injection
Human Growth Hormone Injection
Vaitran 1.5 Mg Injection
Micafung plus Micafungin 100 mg Injection
Rhoclone 300 Mcg Injection
Isofer 500 Mg Injection
Mycamine 50mg Injection
Merex 1000 Mg Injection
Polytuff 500000 Unit Injection
Intacept 50 Mg Injection
Micona 50 Mg Injection
Guficap Plus 50 Mg Injection
Orofer S 200 Mg Injection
I NEM 1g Injection
Eutropin 4 iu Injection
Tresiba Penfill
Zavicefta 2.5Gm Injection
Isoneph 500 mg injection
Xylistin Forte 2 Miu Injection
Elores 3 Gm Injection
nufil 300 mcg injection
Zoltero 4 Mg Injection
Isopoint 500 Mg Injection
Ranibizumab Injection
Piptaz 4.5 mg injection
Foctum 3g Injection
Merofic Plus 1 Gm Injection
Hipoly B 500000 Injection
Bonista Cartridge Injection
Meromac 1gm Injection
Fosfofic Injection
Doxific Plus 100 mg Injection
Tidymin 7% Injection 250 Ml
Vorier Voriconazole 200 Mg injection
Tigefic Plus 50mg Injection
Polyfic Plus 750000 Injection
Isoalfa 500 Mg Injection
Ticofic Plus 400 mg Injection
Erliso Terlipressin Injection
Micanfa 50 Mg Injection
Paxyb 500000 Injection
Zoldria 4 Mg Injection
Pharmaceutical Tablets
Sidlo 8 Mg Tablets
Ketoalfa Alpha Ketoanalogue Tablets
Rybelsus 3 Mg Tablets
Quercetin Bromelain Resveratrol And Vitamin D3 Tablets
Rybelsus 7 Mg Tablets
Virolfi 450 Mg Tablets
Pregabalin 300 Mg Capsules
Renoheal Sachet
Rybelsus 14 Mg Tablets
Rybelsus Semaglutide 7 mg Tablet
Rybelsus Semaglutide 14 mg Tablet
Iverheal 6 Mg Tablets
Lenvatol Lenvatinib 10 mg Tablets
Votriet 200 mg tables
Sevbind 400 Mg Tablets
Iverheal 12 Mg Tablets
Semaglutide Tablets
Polypex plus tablets
Pirfenidone Tablets
Renolog tablets
Strocit Plus 500 Mg Tablets
Anti Cancer Drugs
Religrast 300 Mcg Injection
Oncology Drug
Mydekla Tablets
Meropenem Injection
Merotrol 1 g Injection
Zaxter Kit 1 g Injection
Meroplan 1 gm Injection
Ruaj 1 Gm Injection
Fresonem 1g Injection
Meroza 1 G Injection
Merocrit 1 gm Injection
Meropenem 1 g Injection
Seronem 1 g Injection
Merowin 1 g Injection
Skin Lightening Drugs
Glutabliss 600 Mg Injection
Glutaup 600 Mg injection
Maxiliv 600 mg Injection
Glutathione Vitamin C Injection
Glutathione 1200 Mg Injection
Glutathione TabletS
Glutathione 600 Mg Injection
Glutiprime 600 Mg Injection
Rolimus Tablets
Rolimus 10 Mg Tablets
Allopathic Injection
Zyrop 10000 iu vail
Meronem 1 gm Injection
Aztreo 1 gm Injection
Magnex Forte 1.5 mg Injection
Anti Cancer Tablets
Imatib 400 Mg Tab
Gefticip 250 Mg Tablets
Hepcvir L Tablet
Armidex 1 mg Tablet
Anti Infective Medicine
Valstead 450 Mg Tablets
Vanlid 500 Mg Injection
Koza 91 Lotion
Renepenem 200 Mg Tablets
Pruricure Lotion 100 Ml
Valganciclovir Tablet
Emrok Injection
Emrok O 500 Mg Tablets
Crinone 8% Vaginal Gel
Renal Medicine
Ketorite Tablet
Renoheal Tablets
Renavotox Capsules
Alphalog Tablets
Zyfomycin 3 g Sachets
Bonami Plus Tablets
Rensobia Ds Tablets
Polytide Tablets
Polypex Tablet
Septasteril Tablets
Trientine Hydrochloride Capsule USP
Sobisis Forte 1000 mg Tablets
Sevcar 800 mg Tablets
Ubkindle Capsules
Xydor Capsules
Presential Tablets
Phoscut 400 mg Tablets
Sevlaren 400 mg tablets
Celizaren Jyunka Tablets
Lobun Forte Capsules
Dynulta Tablets
Phoscut 800 Mg Tablets
Sevelabind 400 mg Tablets
Renoque Capsule
Arketo DS Tablets
Ketopen Tablets
Pain Killers Tablets
Tydol 50 Mg Tablets
Tydol 100 Mg Tablets
Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Drugs
Zeroklot 40 Mg Injection
Lmwx 80 Mg Injection
Lomoh 40 Injection
Lomoh 60 Mg Injection
Lonopin 60 Mg Injection
Evaparin 300 mg-3 ml Enoxaparin Injection
Womenox 40 Mg
Clexane 80 mg Injection
Enclex 60 Mg Inection
Lmwx 40 Mg Injection
Lowcap 40 Mg Injection
Lomocare 40 mg injection
Dynalix 40 Mg Injection
Lonopin 40 Mg Injection
Cutenox 40 Mg Injection
Lmwx 60 Mg Injection
Parihep 60 mg Injection
Exhep 40 Mg Injection
Corparin 40 Mg Injection
Lmwx MDC 300 Mg Injection
Exhep 60 Mg Injection
Enclex 40 Mg Injection
Gufinox 40 Mg Injection
Cutenox G 40 Mg Injection
Cutenox G 300 Mg Injection
Clexane 40 mg - 0.4 ml Enoxaparin Injection
Lonopin Pen 300 Mg Injection
Evaparin 40 mg Injection
Clexane Enoxaparin 60 Mg Injection
Lomocare 300 Mg Injection
Fondazest 7.5 mg injection
Parihep 40 Mg Injection
Gastroenterology Drugs
Octride depot 30mg injection
Rifacus 400 Mg Tablets
Remegerd D Capsules
Ursetor Sr 450 Mg
Cirrosam 400 Mg Tablets
Rifaxigress 400 Mg Tablets
Udiliv 450 Mg Tablets
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Octreotide Injection
Bilypsa saroglitazar tablets
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Antifungal Injection, Tablet & Syrup
Amphotericin b Injection
Noxafil 100 Mg Tablets
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Ambilon 50 Mg Injection
Pocaaz O Suspension 105 ml
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Posaforce 100 Mg Tablets
Picasa 40 mg Posaconazole Oral Suspension
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Amphonex liposomal amphotericin b injection 50mg Injection
Posoxil Suspension 105 ml
Sepsivac Injection
Picasa gr 100 mg tablet
Posanat 100 Mg Tablets
Posacad gr 100 mg tablets
Posacad Suspension 105 ml
Antifungal Drugs Injection Tablet Syrup
Cresemba 100 mg capsules
Candipoz Gr 300 mg
Noxafil Oral Suspension
Posaconazole Tablets
Medicine Drop Shippers
Mail Order Pharmacy
Drop Shipping Services
Medicine Drop Shippers
Antiviral Drugs
Sovihep V Tablets
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Sofosbuvir Tablets
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Resof total Tablets
Velasof Tablets
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Cytomega 450 mg Tablets
Myhep All Tablets
Ledifos Tablets Antiviral Drugs
Sofosbuvir Tablet
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Hepcvir 400 Mg Tablets
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Valcip 450 mg tablets
Nephrology Drugs
Cinapar 30 mg Tablets
Mega 10 Capsules
Kindsave Tablets
Rapifer 500 mg Injection
Auxipro Forte Capsules
Celera NU Tablet
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Zyprotic Forte Capsules
Renosave Tablets
Kerendia 10 mg
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Anti Cancer Medicine
Imatib 400mg Tablets
Afanat Afatinib 40 mg Tablets
Xtane 25 mg Tablets
Dasanat Dasatinib 50 Mg Tablets
Regonat 40 Mg Tablets
Xbira 250 mg Tablets
Anti Cancer Medicine
Danozec Danazol 200 Mg Capsules
Obnyx Capsule 40 mg
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Evermil 5 mg Tablets
Aprecap 125 mg Capsules
Imatinib Tablets
Cacit 500 mg tablets
Thaloda100 Mg Capsules
Revolade 50 mg Tablets
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Capecitabine Tablets
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Erlocip 100 mg Tablets
Pegstim 6 mcg Injection
Enzalutamide Tablets
Ibrutinib Capsule
Posid 50 Mg Capsule
Entihep 0.5 Mg Tablets
Erlocip Erlotinib 150 mg Tablets
Veenat Imatinib 400 mg Tablets
Erlonat 150 mg Erlotinib Tablets
Abirapro 250 mg tablets
Evermil 10 Mg Tablets
Nintib Nintedanib 150 Mg Capsules
Imat 400 mg Tablets
Nintib Nintedanib 100 Mg Capsules
Glenza 40 mg Capsules
Anaemia Medicine
Rebopeg Eltrombopeg 50 mg Tablet
Renocel 10000 Iu Injection
Dargen 40 mcg injection
Jovubin 40 mcg injection
RPO 10000 IU Injection
Mircera 50 Mcg Injection
Darbepoetin Alfa Injection 40 mg
Ferric Carboxymaltose Injection
Wepox 30000
Repomia 10000 iu Injection
Erypro Safe 10000 Iu Injection
Relipoietin 10000 Iu Injection
Darbotin 60 mcg injection
Cresp 25 mcg Injection
Mircera Injections 100 Mcg
Atazor -R
Larinject 500 mg injection
Encicarb 500 Mg Injection
ESA 5000 IU Injection
Eltromag 25 Mg Tablets
Mircera Injection 50 Mcg
Rebopag 50 Mg Tablets
Erypro Safe 10000 Injections
Transfer Injection 10000
Mircera 75mg Injection
Mircera 75 Mcg Injection
Wepox 10000 Iu Injection
Mircera 100 Mcg Injection
Rebopeg Eltrombopeg 25 mg Tablet
Renemia 10000 Injection
Rpo 4000 i u Injection
Anfoe 6000 iu Injection
Repomia 10000 Pfs Injection
Fcmalt Ferric Carboxymaltose 500 Mg Injection
Erypeg 75 Injections
epofit 10000 mg injection
cresp 40 mcg injection
Transfer 5000 mg injection
Trombopag 50 mg tablets
Vintor 10000 Injection
Eltrombopag Tablet
Erypeg 75 Injection
Darb-Esa 40 Mg Injection
Renocrit 10000 Iu Injection
Darbitop 40 mg Injection
Anfoe 10000 Iu Injection
Ferinject 500 mg injection
Vintor 4000 iu Injection
Erypeg 50 mcg Injection
Cresp 60mcg injection
Oxemia 50 mg Tablets
Renocel 4000 Iu Injection
Ferium 1k Injection
Orofer FCM 500 mg Injection
Darbaren 40 mcg Injection
Orofer fcm 1k injection
Ferium 500 Mg Injection
Darbitop 60 mcg Injection
Defriject 500 mg tablets
Anfoe 4000 i u injection
Vintor 6000 Pfs Injection
Encicarb 1k Injection
Wepox 4000 mg injection
Zyrop 4000mg injection
Darbepoetin Alfa Injection
Cresp 100 mcg Injection
Wepox 5000 IU Injection
Darbotin 40 mg injection
Renocrit 4000 IU Injection
Erypro safe 40000 iu injection
Relipoietin 4000 Iu Injection
Erykine 40000 IU Injection
Actorise 40 Mcg Injection
Neorecormon 5000 mg injection
Darbepoetin Alfa 60 Mcg Injection
Darbecon 40 Mg Injection
Epofit 4000 mg injection
Injectable Products
Victoza Liraglutide Pen Injection
Osteoporosis Medications
NuPth Teriparatide 750 Mcg Injection
Teriparatide Injection
Exhep Pen 300 Mg 3 Ml Enoxaparin Injection
Gemtide Teriparatide 600 Mcg Injection
Terifrac 750 Mcg Injection
Rockbon Pth 750mcg Injection
Zotide One 600 Mcg Injection
Bonista Pf 600 Mcg Injection
Bonmax Pth 750 Mg Injection
Exhep Pen 300 Mg 3 ml Enoxaparin Injection
Bonmax Pth 750 Mcg Pre Filled with Pen Divice
Osteri 600 Mg Injection
Sodium Hyaluronate Injection
Tpt 20 600 Mcg Injection
Xgeva 120 Mg Denosumab Injection
Pharmaceutical Capsules
Oxalo forte
Renadyl Capsules
Synprotik Forte Capsules
Synprotik Capsules
Nexiflora 45 mg Capsules
Nervigesic 300 Mg Tablets
Cudohenz Capsules
Human Normal Immunoglobulin Injection
Heparel 100 iu injection
Globucel Human Normal Immunoglobulin 10% 100 ml Injection
Immunorel 5g 100 ml injection
Immuglo 5 gm Injection
Globucel 5% 100 ml injection
Ivnex 5 gm Injection
Gammaren 5% 100 ml injection
Ivig Emglobulin 5 Injection Emcure
Immunorel 10% gm 100 ml
Anti Cancer Injection
Pamorelin La 11.25 Injection
Bortecad Bortezomib 2 mg Injection
Azom 1 gm Injection
Azatend 100mg Injection
Emtux 500 mg Injection
Pegex 6 mcg Injection
Daxotel 120 mg Injection
Bevacirel 400 Mg Bevacizumab Injection
Eleftha 440mg Injection
Borviz 2 mg Injection
Romy 250 mg injection
Trumab 440 mg Injection
Lupride depot Injection
Gemita Gemcitabine Injection 1400 Mg
Myezom 2 mg Injection
Carfilnat 60 mg Injection
Zoledronic Acid Injection
Cresp 500 mcg Injection
Reditux Rituximab 500 Mg Injection
120 Mg Denosurel Injection
Colstim 300 mcg Injection
Romiset 250 mg injection
Azatend-O 200 mg Tablets
Mabtas Ra 500 Mg Injection
Zoladex La 10.8 Mg Injection
Grafeel 300 mg Injection
Fulzos 250 mg Injection
Apracap 150 mg Injection
Lupride Depot 11.25 mg Injection
Cytax 260 mg Injection
Luprodex 22.5mg Injection
Grastim 300 mcg injection
Cizumab Bevacizumab 400mg Injection
Anti Cancer Injection
Bevicra 400 mg Injection
Vivitra Trastuzumab 440 mg injection
Vivitra 150 Mg Injection
Cresp 200mcg Injection
Azashine 100 mg Injection
Myaza 100 mg Injection
Bryxtra 100mg Injection
Azacytin 100 mg Injection
Dalacin C 600 mg Injection
Hertraz 440 mg injection
Bryxta 400mg Bevacizumab Injection
Abevmy Bevacizumab 400 Mg Injection
Bortrac 2 mg Bortezomib Injection
Bevatas 400 mg Bevacizumab Injection
Romiset 500 mg Injection
Anti Cancer Medicines
Azel Enzalutamide 40 mg Capsules
Mstarin 25 mg Capsules
Abiraterone Acetate Tablets
Zoldonat 4 mg Injection
Temoside Temozolomide 250 mg Capsule
Enzamide Tablet 40 mg
Femistra 1 mg Tablets
Herduo Tablets
Lenangio 10 mg Capsules
Kemocarb 450 mg Injection
Peg grafeel 6mcg injection
Capibine 500 mg Tablets
Inflitza 25 Mg Tablets
Altraz 1 mg tablets
Temoside Temozolomide 100 mg Capsule
Sorafenat tablets
Temcad Temozolomide 250 mg Capsule
Pomalid 4 mg Capsules
Bdron Abiraterone 500 mg Tablets
Thalix 50 mg Capsules
Azadine 0 300 mg talets
Voraze 200 mg Tablets
Armotraz 1 mg Tablets
Relicitabine 500 Mg Tablets
Voritek 200 mg injection
Thalix 100 mg Capsules
Lenvat 4 mg Capsules
lenvatol 4mg Capsules
Geftinat 250 mg tablet
Lenalidomide Capsule
Lenangio 25 mg Capsules
Pomide 4 mg Capsules
Capecite 500 mg Tablets
Geftinat 250 mg tablets
Capnat 500 mg Tablets
Geftib 250 mg Tablets
Oxitan 100 mg Injection
Azatend-O 300 mg Tablets
Bosentas 125 mg Tablet
Neukine Filgrastim 300mcg Injection
Geffy 250 mg Tablets
Capsy 500 Tablets
Canmab 440 mg Injection
Capegard 500 mg tablets
Azadine 100 mg injection
Unigef 250 mg tablets
Fosup Kit Capsules
Fertility Enhancer
Gonal F 900 Mg Injection
Menotropin 150 Iu Injection
Gonal F 300 Mg Injection
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Injections
Hucog Hp 10000 Iu Injection
Hucog Hp 5000 Iu Injection
Progesterone gel 8.0
Gonal F 450 Mg Injection
Urofollitropin 150 Iu Injection
Urofollitropin 75 Iu Injection
Cetrorelix Acetate 0.25 Mg Injection
Dialysis Products
Fresenius F6 Hps Dialyzer
Renal Nutrition
Vaptolva 15 Mg Tablets
Nutappex And Tablets
Lamino Nephro 7% Injection
Nexiron 100 mg Injection
Nefvit Plus Tablets
Khold Sachets
Lirophos Plus Tablets
Amigo Plus Injection
Critizyme Tablets
Septiva Capsules
Nefita Tablets
Lamino Nephro Powder
Qron 100 mg Inection
Fcfung 500 mg Tablets
Maxon Qbr Tablets
Eido Injection
Fosbait 500 mg Tablet
K-bind sachet
Septamin Forte Injection
Magmaxx Tablets
Fidotox Powder
Aplazar Tablets
Renomega Forte Capsules
Phoscut Fer Tablets
Serocit 46.7% Injection
Citraphos Tablets
Nefromega Capsules
K Bind Powder
Immunosuppressive Drugs
Mofecon Oral Suspension
Tacstead 0.5 mg Capsules
Mofecon 500 Mg Tablets
Renodapt S 360 Mg Tablets
Advacan 0.5 mg tablets
Tacstead 2 mg capsules
Advagraf 0.5 Mg Capsules
Biomus 2 Mg capsules
Fujigraf 1 Mg Capsules
Mofilet S 360 Mg Tablets
Tacroren 0.5 Mg Capsules
Mycofit 500 Mg Tablets
Vingraf 1 mg Capsules
Amigraf 1 mg Capsules
Odventa 1 mg Capsules
Imunotac 0.5 Mg Capsules
Bionesp 40mg injection
Mycept 250mg Capsules
Immutil S 360 Mg Tablets
Mycoral 360 Mg Tablets
Azoran 50 mg tablets
Pangraf 1 mg capsules
Tacsant 1 mg Capsules
Cellcept 500 Mg Tablets
Tacromus 2 Mg Capsules
Tacrocord 1 Mg Capsules
Mofilet 500 Mg Tablets
Siropan 1mg Tablets
Tacrograf 1 mg Capsules
Mofetyl s 360 mg Tablets
Biomus 1 mg Capsules
Takfa 0.5 MG Capsules
Takfa 2 mg Capsules
Grafotas 100 mg Capsules
Cyclosporine CapsuleS
Mmf 500 Mg Tablets
Tacloran 1 mg capsules
Evercon 0.5 mg tablets
Sirolimus Tablets
Cyclophil me Oral Solution
Mycofit S 360 Tablets
Takfa 1 Mg Capsules
Mmf 360 Mg Tablets
Panimun Bioral 100 Mg Capsules
Everomus 0.5 mg Tablets
Prograf 1 mg Capsules
Mycept S 180 Mg Tablets
Biomyf S 360 Mg Tablets
Raparen 1 mg Tablets
Everotas 0.5 mg tablets
Tacrograf 0.5 Mg Capsules
Mycophenolate Mofetil Tablets
Immutil 500 Mg Tablets
Pangraf 2 mg capsules
Siromus 1 mg tablets
Tacrolimus Capsules
Mycept S 360 Mg Tablets
Darbecure 40 mg injection
Mycophenolate Mofetil Oral Suspension
Renodapt S 180 Mg Tablets
Tacstead 1 mg capsules
Ceptimmun-S 360 Mg Tablets
Arpimune Oral Solution
Mycept 500 mg Tablets
Mycoral M 500 Mg Tablets
Advagraf 1 mg Capsules
Mycofit S 180 Mg Tablets
Pangraf 0.5mg Capsules
Cyclograf Me Solution
Everolimus 0.5 Mg Tablet
Sirova tablets
Healgraft S 360 mg Tablets
Mofecon-S 360Mg Tablets
Tacroren 1 mg Capsules
Mycomune S 360 Mg Tablets
Myphen S 360 Mg Tablets
Mycomune 500 Mg Tablets
Rapacan 1 Mg Tab
Mycophenolic Acid Tablets
Everomus 0.25 Mg Tablets
Mycophenolate Mofetil Oral Suspensions
Imunotac 1 mg Capsules
Renodapt 500 Mg Tablets
Arpimune me 50 mg Capsules
Tacrol 1 mg Capsules
Tacrocord 0.5 mg Capsules
Moficept-S 360 Mg Tablets
Tacrograf 2 mg Capsules
Prograf 0.5 mg Capsules
Moficept 500 Mg Tablets
Everolimus 0.5 Mg Tablets
Mycotero 500 mg Tablets
Mofetyl 500 Mg Tablets
Immutil S 180 Mg Tablets
Tacromus 0.5 mg Capsule
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Rituximab Rituxan Injection
Mabtas 500 mg injection
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Maball 500 Mg Injection
Enfiera 100mg Injection
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